Creating Intentional Learning Environments for Curiosity, Connection, Identity and Belonging

EDUC X 321.65

This course consists of investigating and answering questions about how elements in classroom and outdoor environments in programs for young children can enhance or undermine conditions for learning for both children and adults.

Starting at $396.00
As few as 6 weeks

What you can learn.

  • Analyze environmental program choices that impact the development of relationships, belonging, and foster a community that welcomes all learners
  • Understand how open-ended materials and engagement with nature reflect how young children learn
  • Learn to make choices that support learning dispositions related to symbolic representation or literacy and numeracy or not
  • Evaluate environmental elements that can promote or restrict flexible thinking, perspective-taking, and problem-solving
  • Understand the importance of including children’s ideas, control, and use of space and materials

About this course:

This course is an investigation of early childhood classroom elements and designs for indoor and outdoor learning environments that support child development; child engagement; and interpersonal, social connections and relationships.  This course highlights classroom design elements that stimulate, sustain, enhance or detract from development and learning in early childhood, both indoors and out. Based on principles of architecture and spatial design, students analyze, evaluate and design ECE spaces critically and with intentionality. In this co-learning environment, we consider actual experiences of educators and young learners using environmental spaces to guide our use of theory on learning spaces. We study how elements of the environment support trusting relationships, comfort, osmosis, sensory integration, community, constructivist problem solving, narration, symbolic representation, literacy and numeracy, and rich imagination. We focus particularly on how spaces support identity and belonging for all children.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
This section has no set meeting times.
See Details
Instructor: Ellen Khokha
Onlineformat icon
Internet access required.
Refund Deadline
No refunds after April 13, 2025
Course Requirements
Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments by Curtis, Deb; Carter, Maggie

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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