UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-13. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).
Student Services

Rights and Responsibilities

Center for Student Rights & Responsibilities 

The UCLA Extension Student Rights and Responsibilities Center is an important partner in ensuring that all UCLA Extension students abide by the civil and criminal laws and policies that govern all aspects of the University of California and UCLA.

We work closely with UCLA Extension students, instructors, and staff to provide a safe, intellectually honest, and inclusive environment in our classrooms, facilities, and surrounding communities.

When we receive complaints of potential student misconduct, we ensure privacy, due process for all parties and, depending on the outcome of our investigations, assign sanctions that address the violation swiftly but fairly.

UCLA Extension rejects all forms of intimidation, harassment, disruption, or violence aimed at or resulting in limiting the freedom of thought, belief, and inquiry or interfering with a student's, instructor's, or staff member's ability to successfully perform their University responsibilities.

In addition to the categories outlined elsewhere on this page, UCLA Extension students are expected to refrain from the following actions while in our classrooms, facilities, and surrounding communities: 

  • Disruptive behavior that leads to the inability of academic staff to conduct instruction, that inhibits other students from learning in a safe and peaceful environment, or that prevents administrative staff from conducting normal business operations
  • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of University documents, records, keys, or identifications
  • Theft of, damage to, or destruction of any property of the University or of others while on University premises
  • Unauthorized entry to or use of University properties, equipment, or resources
  • Harassment, defined as conduct that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive, it substantially impairs another person's equal access to UCLA Extension programs and/or activities 
  • Physical abuse including but not limited to assault and other forms of violence, threats of violence, or other conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person wherever it might occur
  • Stalking, which is conduct repeatedly directed at another person with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her family; and where the behavior is reasonably determined by the University to seriously alarm, torment, or terrorize the person, wherever it may occur
  • The unlawful use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of controlled substances, identified in Federal and State law or regulations, on University property or at official University functions
  • The use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of alcohol on University properties or at official University functions outside of compliance with Federal and State law and University policy or campus regulations

UCLA Extension takes the integrity of our academic environment very seriously and expects all students, instructors, and staff members to respect others’ intellectual property.

The category of Academic Dishonesty includes any form of cheating or dishonesty that takes place in an Extension class environment, such as:

Coercion: Threatening personal or professional repercussions/discipline against a UCLA Extension instructor with intent to influence a grade change or evaluation of other coursework not directly related to the coursework quality or any administration petition; threatening personal or professional repercussions/discipline against a UCLA Extension administrator or staff member to influence a course of action not supported by irrefutable fact.

Commercial Intent: The selling, preparing, or distributing for any commercial purpose lecture notes or video or audio recordings of any course unless authorized by the University in advance and explicitly permitted by the course.

Deception: Knowingly furnishing false information to your instructor; for example, claiming you have submitted coursework when you know you did not, saying you missed an exam due to an emergency that did not happen, etc.

Exam or Lesson Cheating: Deliberately looking at another student’s quiz/exam or intentionally allowing another student to look at your quiz/exam; knowingly copying and submitting another student’s lesson as your own or allowing another student to copy your work and submit it as their own; unauthorized collaboration with another student or use of unauthorized materials during a quiz, exam, or any academic assignment.

Fabrication: Making up false data or research in your coursework; for example, creating a quote from a publication that does not exist, producing invented numbers in a data report, etc. 

Plagiarism: Taking another person’s words or ideas and presenting them as your own without appropriate acknowledgement that the work does not belong to you; violating others’ copywritten materials; failure to appropriately cite sources. 

Meet With Us

female counselor smiles while listening to student

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Center offers a convenient way for students to book appointments with our staff.

If you have been asked to schedule an intake meeting or need to schedule a hearing date, please use the link below to make an appointment. We are also available to meet with students for general consultations both online and in-person.

Make an appointment



File an Incident Report

Please use this form to report incidents of concern to UCLA Extension officials.

Get Started

For additional resources and information, please visit the UCLA Civil Rights Office.

If you believe you are in immediate danger and need help now, call 911 or your local police department. If you are on or near the UCLA campus, call 911 or UCPD: 310-825-1491.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Behavioral Expectations & Reporting

While some behaviors are clear code violations, others are more complex. We do not expect reporters to be experts on policy. If you ever have questions about student behaviors, or about the code in general, the SRRC is glad to consult (310.825.0953).

Our strong guidance in any situation of concern is: when in doubt, report. We will never contact a student about a report before following up with you first.

If you are simply filing a report in order to make an official record, you are welcome to indicate that your report is “fyi only.” In these cases, we will not take action with a student unless we have additional reason for concern.

Yes. The SRRC must be notified in order to ensure that the student was afforded due process rights. In these cases, the SRRC will take no action, but will keep the report on file in case of future incidents.

To make an official Incident Report, please file an Incident Reporting Form and include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Names/XIDs of all involved parties
  • Dates, times, locations
  • A chronological summary of the incident, including any pertinent quotes
  • Indicate any other evidence you might have (e.g. the allegedly plagiarized assignment, photos of damage, Canvas messages, etc.)

Please use factual, objective language only. Do not diagnose or generalize a student’s behavior. Describe the words and actions that took place without editorializing. For example:

Do: “The student refused to show ID because he said I ‘might sell it to the government.’ He continued to speak in an elevated volume after being asked repeatedly to lower his voice.”

Don’t: “The student was very paranoid and aggressive. I believe he may be bipolar.”

If there are details you believe are important for the SRRC to know, but that cannot be included in an Incident Report, please call 310.825.0953.

Incident Reports and any related communications are official educational records protected by FERPA. This means two things:

  1. The student has the right to review and request changes to their records at any time.
  2. Those records are discoverable with a subpoena. They may also be subject to Public Records Requests.

Please do not include others on these communications. Official conduct records should remain between the complainant (you) and the intended recipient (SRRC). If, upon review, the SRRC believes another party has the legal “right to know” under FERPA, they will be included by the SRRC as appropriate.

The student disciplinary process is confidential. Outside of cases involving sexual misconduct or violence, you will not be privy to the factual outcomes of an investigation. In cases where it is determined that you have a legitimate educational interest under FERPA, you will be notified of specific outcomes on a “need-to-know” basis. (Example: A student is found responsible for academic dishonesty, which merits a change of grade by their instructor of record.)

Due process in the university disciplinary context is derived from the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. It includes the rights of students to:

  • be notified of the charges against them;
  • be given the opportunity to respond to the charges;
  • a speedy and equitable hearing;
  • receive discipline that is proportionate to the violation and founded on precedent;>
  • an avenue of appeal.

Our hearing procedures strongly uphold students’ rights to due process.

It is an expectation that all Extension students behave in a manner reflective of UCLA and UCLA Extension core values. Power is placed in the hands of the instructor to maintain a safe environment for learning by holding students to these standards inside the classroom.

The policy definition of harassment is very clear: Harassment means conduct that is sufficiently severe, pervasive, OR persistent so as to interfere with or limit an individual’s ability to PARTICIPATE IN OR BENEFIT FROM the services, activities, or opportunities offered by the University. Targeted discriminatory words or actions based on a person’s protected status automatically qualify as harassment, whether or not they meet the two-part test described above.

Instructors have the right to dismiss the student from the day’s class if they witness such behavior. If such extraordinary action is taken, instructors must also make a report.

Name calling, profanity, and irritating behavior do not qualify as harassment, but nonetheless require intervention. For how to handle these situations, see the following question below: “How do I have a difficult student removed from my class?”

You may be surprised to find that many offensive words and actions are protected under the First Amendment. That is to say, although a student may behave in ways that are “mean,” “rude,” or “offensive,” they cannot be disciplined under the conduct code for exercising their right to free speech. Civility clauses, behavioral contracts, etc., are not enforceable and students may not be censored under these provisions.

It is largely within the instructor’s purview to redirect difficult students toward productive dialogue. However, if a student behaves in a way that is distracting to other students, effectively trampling the rights of others to access the educational environment, the content of the speech does not matter. The student may be disciplined for disruptive behavior. Likewise, if you have to repeatedly direct a student to stop a behavior and they refuse to obey your directives, they may be disciplined for failure to comply.

Students have a right to remain in class pending a student conduct investigation unless that student is temporarily restricted by the SRRC for safety reasons. Permanent dismissal is the most severe sanction a student may receive at UCLA Extension, and is an extremely rare outcome. Students found responsible for violating the code will be restricted to the lowest extent possible upon their return.

For concerns about targeted harassment or discrimination, see the question above: “How do I file a harassment charge if a student verbally attacks me?”

The first step is to ask yourself whether you feel threatened, or if you are being threatened. Many interactions we have with others can trigger our fear responses—some examples may include incidents or personalities that remind us of past trauma, people experiencing symptoms of mental illness, people from different cultures who communicate differently than we are used to, dominant body language, and negative feedback. While we may not enjoy these interactions, they are not dangerous. The sense of threat is internal.

Rare situations do arise, however, when a student is a danger to self or others. Students who make direct threats of violence should be taken seriously, whether or not the threat is framed as a joke. Students who have extreme outbursts of anger, students who suddenly behave differently than usual, and students who demonstrate stalking-type behaviors or the inability to “let things go” may also be showing warning signs of potential violence.

When needed, call 911 immediately if you witness behavior that places a student or others in danger, including threats of violence.

Regardless of whether 911 was called, submit an Incident Report to the SRRC immediately after the situation has ended. Remember to use objective, factual language as provided above in the following question: “How do I file an Incident Report?”. The SRRC will attempt to initiate wrap-around support for the student.

If the student is able to meet the threshold for filing a formal grievance, their complaint will be thoroughly investigated. As part of this process, you will have the opportunity to share your side of the story. Cross-complaints may be seen as retaliatory and are not appropriate under these circumstances.

If you believe a student has filed a grievance about you in order to retaliate for your cooperation with an investigation, coerce you for a change in grade or other repercussion, please inform the SRRC of this behavior immediately: srrc@uclaextension.edu.

In cases that do not involve sexual misconduct under the Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment Policy, only the student respondent has the right to appeal a decision made by the SRRC.

Yes. In some cases, especially those involving violence, the University has a duty of care to our students. This means if we have actual knowledge of an incident, we must put in place whatever remedies are within our control to keep our students safe while on campus.

Important: UCLA Extension employees have the additional mandate to report to the SRRC incidents of sexual misconduct and child abuse. While we may not always have the jurisdiction to help our students who experience incidents off-campus, we can connect them with resources who do. When in doubt, report.

Hearing Procedures

Anyone may make an allegation against a student; however, we may be limited in our ability to complete an investigation for allegations from anonymous sources.

The UCLA Extension Student Rights & Responsibilities Policy indicates that students must receive notice of alleged violations of University Policies. Notice is generally sent via email to the official email address that the student has on file with UCLA Extension.

The investigation is a confidential and neutral process. We work to uphold our students’ rights in the Student Conduct process, and ensure that you understand those rights. Your rights, responsibilities, and options will be covered in your first intake meeting. You will also be provided our full hearing procedures document.

Schedule an appointment to meet with a member of the SRRC, using the instructions in the letter that you received. You must contact the office by the date indicated in the letter.

You can talk with a staff member in the SRRC, the Office of Ombuds Services, or Bruin REACH. You are also encouraged to speak with an advocate or support person should you begin to feel overwhelmed while going through the process.

The Conduct Administrator will talk with you about the incident and any related allegation(s), as well as answer questions that you have about the Student Conduct process. This meeting is an opportunity for you to share your perspective concerning the incident, and to provide any relevant information.

If after reviewing the allegations and discussing the incident with the Conduct Administrator, you accept responsibility for the alleged violation(s), the Administrator will determine which sanction(s) and action(s) apply.

If after reviewing the allegations and discussing the incident with the Conduct Administrator, you do not believe that you have violated University policy, the Administrator will continue the investigation to determine the next steps in the process. There are several resolution options in the UCLA Extension Student Conduct Code, including a referral to the Extension Student Conduct Committee. While the Administrator will not determine that a policy has been violated, they will determine the appropriate avenue for resolution. The complete process may take several meetings.

Students are welcome to bring a support person of their choosing to their meetings and hearing. This support person may be anyone, including an attorney. We will ask that you fill out a FERPA release form before allowing your support person to attend confidential student conduct meetings. Support persons may not participate directly in the proceedings.

Please refer to this listing of legal services within the community if you are looking for legal guidance or respresentation. If you have concerns about being undocumented, please refer to this listing of community resources.

A finding of responsibility is based on a preponderance of the evidence, meaning it is “more likely than not” that a violation occurred. This is different than in a court of law, where violations must be proven “beyond a shadow of a doubt”. In practical terms, it means that the Conduct Administrator or Extension Student Conduct Committee must believe, based on the available information, that a violation likely occurred. It does not mean that decision-makers make choices based on “gut instinct”.

If a student admits to violating policies, or is found responsible after a hearing, the student will receive one or more sanctions and outcomes. This can range from a Warning to Dismissal from UCLA Extension. UCLA Extension uses the Restorative Justice Model, which is meant to be educational, equitable, and restorative. If you are found responsible, you will partner with the Conduct Administrator to determine outcomes that are appropriate given the violation(s) and repair the community. The list of sanctions can be found in the UCLA Extension Student Rights & Responsibilities Policy.

Students who are found responsible for violating the conduct code are not eligible for a refund of tuition; students are not allowed to withdraw from courses pending a conduct investigation involving academic dishonesty.

If a student does not accept responsibility for violating policies, the Conduct Administrator may use the information available to pursue a Brief Adjudicative Proceeding, refer the matter to the Extension Student Conduct Committee, or the matter may be closed with no further action taken.

If the result of a hearing process, either formal or informal, is a finding of no responsibility, the any temporary holds on the student’s records will be immediately lifted, and the student will be notified in writing. No notation will appear on the student’s official record.

If the Conduct Administrator or ESCC imposes a sanction of Deferred Suspension, Suspension, Deferred Dismissal or Dismissal, students may appeal the sanction by following the instructions in their letter of sanction.

If a student receives an outcome of Suspension, a notation indicating that a suspension was imposed will be placed on the student's transcript for the period of time that the suspension is in effect. A Dismissal appears on the transcript for 50 years.

Your record in this case is your student conduct file which is maintained in the SRRC, which contains information related to the incident and investigation. Many students believe that a student conduct "record" is the same as a transcript. This is not the case. A transcript is one type of record, and a Student Conduct file is another type of record.

Yes. You have to right to review the information in your file related to the incident. Information will be shared with you during your meeting with the Conduct Administrator, and before your hearing if you are referred to the Extension Student Conduct Committee.

Student Conduct records are private. The disclosure of information from such records is subject to Extension records disclosure policies, the California Information Practices Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Generally speaking, information will be shared with University Officials with a need-to-know, and with others for whom the student has signed a FERPA release.

A letter of clearance (Dean's Certification) is verification that you, as a UCLA Extension student, have not violated any University policies or been subject to any disciplinary actions or proceedings. These letters are usually required by graduate and professional schools, state bar associations, government agencies, or independent agencies when applying for admission or employment. Most of these institutions will provide you with a form for you to fill out and the SRRC to complete. Our office will fill out the form, or attach our own letter of clearance when applicable.

Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (Title IX)

Under the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, any UC employee who is not identified as a confidential resource is a “Responsible Employee” required to report sexual violence, sexual harassment or other conduct prohibited by the policy to the Title IX director or designee. You cannot promise confidentiality to any student who reports these crimes to you. However, you can tell the student that you are required to make a disclosure to the Title IX Coordinator, who will treat their report as confidentially as possible.

If you are a student, and a friend discloses to you, ask them how they would like to proceed. If you need assistance helping a friend, please contact CSR@uclaextension.edu to speak with a wellness advisor.

Employees who have received a report from a student regarding criminal activity of any kind must report it directly to a designated Campus Security Authority (CSA). UCLA Extension has designated the following personnel as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) as defined in the federal Jeanne Clery Act:

  • Dean
  • Associate and Assistant Deans
  • Dean’s Office Manager of Communications
  • Designated Dean’s Office staff
  • Unit managers in the Department of Student and Alumni Services
  • Director and Assistant Director of Facilities
  • Facilities Center Coordinators
  • UCLA-PD Community Service Officers assigned to our facilities
  • Program Director, Pathway

Crimes involving sexual misconduct must be reported by staff to the Title IX Investigator via the UCLA Extension Incident Reporting Form or the UC Incident Reporting Form. Your report must include names, locations, and any pertinent details of the incident. Please do not attempt to investigate on your own. If a student does not disclose adequate detail to make a full report, do not probe for more information. Refer the student to the Title IX Investigator, who will inform the student of their rights and options before investigating.

No. Students should be encouraged to file a police report for any criminal activity that they may experience, but it is also critical to empower the student to make their own choices. If a student has not yet disclosed an incident of sexual misconduct to you, but indicates that they might, you may:

  1. Inform them that you are a mandatory reporter, and
  2. Refer them to a confidential resource in lieu of making a report. Confidential resources are:

There is no statute of limitations on sexual misconduct. While it may be more difficult to file criminal charges after a significant amount of time has passed, the University can still pursue an investigation and take whatever protective measures that are within its control to support the student.

Clery reporting requirements establish that the University must report a violent crime at the time it became aware of the incident, not at the time it happened.

In addition to sexual harassment and violence, Title IX provides federal protections based on biological sex and gender. If you have questions about your rights under Title IX, please contact the SRRC. 

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) administers pregnancy-related accommodations and adjustments for pregnant and parenting students. Please visit their website for more information.

Additional Policies and Regulations

UCLA Extension is an academic division of UCLA, one of the ten campuses of the University of California. Its policy and practice are rooted in provisions of state and federal law, system-wide authority and regulations of the UC Office of the President and the UC Academic Senate, and local UCLA administrative and academic policies. The Dean of UCLA Continuing Education and Extension promulgates policy that conforms to these source authorities and refines how we fulfill our mission of continuing education and public service.

Policies of Interest:

To view all UCLA Extension policies, visit our policies page.

For further information, please contact the UCLA Extension Office of the Dean at (310) 825-2362 or DeansOffice@uclaextension.edu.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known as FERPA) protects the privacy of UCLA Extension student education records.

Under FERPA, you have the right to:

  • Inspect and review records pertaining to you in your capacity as a student
  • Have withheld from disclosure, absent your prior consent for release, personally identifiable information from your student records, except as specified by FERPA and University policies
  • Inspect records maintained by UCLA Extension of disclosures of personally identifiable information from your student record

FERPA allows universities to confirm attendance and publish directories of their students without their prior consent, but requires a procedure to be presented allowing you to opt out. Certain conferences and short courses are designed to support professional networking opportunities and will include provisions for name tags and the sharing of participant rosters. When planned with such support, notice will be provided in the course listing. To opt out of planned participant rosters, email Enrollment Services at enroll@uclaextension.edu.

Mailing Lists

Information you furnish may be used by University departments and publicly announced program cosponsors for distribution of information on future programs and activities of interest to you. This and other information will be shared with state and federal government officials if required by law; otherwise, UCLA Extension does not sell or share its mailing list.

Social Security and Traveler Identification Numbers

Social Security Numbers (SSN) or Traveler Identification Numbers (TIN) are not required for enrollment at UCLA Extension.

However, there are two instances when having your SSN/TIN on record may be of benefit.

Student Loan Deferment: The National Student Clearinghouse is a nonprofit and nongovernmental source for verifying student enrollment and outcomes data for more than 3,600 colleges and universities. UCLA Extension routinely reports our student census to the Clearinghouse. If you are seeking a student loan repayment deferment, you may wish to provide your SSN to expedite the deferment process. 

Tax Reporting: Each January, UCLA Extension provides information to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that might entitle you to tax credits for qualified fee payments. Because the IRS requires Extension to request the SSN/TIN of any student for whom an SSN/TIN is not on record—and because the IRS expects students who take the tax credit to report their SSN/TIN—we want to ensure you have the opportunity to participate in this potential benefit. For this reason, every December UCLA Extension reaches out by e-mail to students whose records are subject to IRS reporting, but for whom there is no SSN/TIN on file. You may add your SSN/TIN to your student record at any time by logging in to the Student Portal.

The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and University policies, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer‐related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services.

This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access, and treatment in University programs and activities.

The University of California prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence, defined as sex crimes, domestic or dating violence, unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, and other nonconsensual verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Retaliation against those who report these and other forms of misconduct is also prohibited.

The UCLA Extension Rights and Responsibilities Center will respond promptly and effectively to related complaints and will take appropriate action to prevent, correct, and, when necessary, discipline behavior that violates the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment.

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