UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-13. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).

Course numbering 

Courses follow numbering and other conventions that designate class level and type. 

XL 1 to XL 199

These courses are equivalent to undergraduate courses offered by the UCLA regular session. All XL courses are transferable for unit and subject credit toward the bachelors degree at all campuses of the University of California. Up to 36 units of credit earned in the XL 1-199 course series can be accepted for unit and subject credit toward a bachelor's degree at any campus of the California State University system (CSU). Courses numbered 1 to 99 are considered lower division (freshman/sophomore); those numbered 100 to 199 are considered upper division (junior/senior).

X 1 to X 199

These courses are structured in accordance with requirements for UCLA undergraduate courses, but include subject matter not part of the regular undergraduate curriculum. While no courses exactly equivalent to these are offered in UCLA's regular session, X 1 to X 199 courses may be transferable for unit credit toward a bachelors degree at all campuses of the University of California. Up to 36 units of credit earned in the X 1-199 course series can be accepted for unit credit, subject and grade credit toward  a bachelors degree at any campus of the California State University system (CSU). Applicability for subject credit is typically determined by the UCLA student's major department, and by other institutions upon consideration of the full course description.

XLC 1 to XLC 199

Undergraduate concurrent enrollment courses (i.e., UCLA regular session undergraduate courses in which UCLA Extension students may concurrently enroll) are transferable for unit, subject, and grade-point-average credit toward the Bachelor's Degree at UCLA's College of Letters and Science, School of the Arts and Architecture, and School of Nursing. Learn more about Concurrent Enrollment.

X 300 to X 399

Professional credit-bearing courses in the field of education, specially designed for teachers and prospective teachers. Major emphasis is on pedagogy, teaching methods and materials, and curriculum design. Credit earned in these courses may lead to advanced standing in baccalaureate degree and teacher credentialing programs.

X 400 to X 499

Generally post-baccalaureate credit-bearing courses and lecture series in professional fields; designed in content, focus, and presentation style to standards of instruction used in degree programs. Credit earned in these courses may lead to the award of formal certificates by UCLA Extension, and may be transferable for advanced standing in degree programs in professional studies elsewhere, subject to the procedures of the receiving institution.

700 to 799

Cultural and general interest courses that do not offer credit. These courses will not appear on student transcripts.

800 to 899

Noncredit courses that offer Continuing Education Units (CEU) and typically present material at the professional level. Grades are not awarded. Students who participate satisfactorily receive one CEU for every 10 contact hours of instruction.

900 to 999

Noncredit programs in which course work is evaluated.

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