

Learn from Experts

Best-in-class Instructors

UCLA Extension instructors are experts in their field; top performers in their industry; experienced practitioners of their craft.

They are passionate individuals, dedicated to helping UCLA Extension students succeed. Armed with knowledge and practical, real-world experience, they know what it takes to succeed in your chosen field and will help you get there.

UCLA Extension Instructors are:

  • Vetted by a rigorous UCLA approval process
  • Supported by the full intellectual and educational resources of the UCLA campus
  • Skilled at providing exceptional, collaborative classroom and online educational experiences
  • Trained on an ongoing basis to ensure they have the latest techniques and information


Teach For Us

We are always looking for talented instructors to join our team.

As a UCLA Extension instructor, you will:

  • Be a part of UCLA, a world-class university, ranked the #1 public university in the United States
  • Help others grow, learn, and transform their lives
  • Share your experience and transfer your knowledge. Educate the next generation of professionals in your field
  • Engage with and learn from our diverse, dedicated, and goal-oriented student body
  • Gain support and training applicable to both new and experienced instructors who are looking to refine their skills and apply the most up-to-date and evidence-based teaching strategies in the classroom

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Corporate Education

Learn how we can help your organization meet its professional development goals and corporate training needs.

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