UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-17. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).

Writers' Program Consultations

One-on-One Consultation Services

hands on a keyboard and notepad

If you have a completed draft of a novel, screenplay, teleplay or treatment and need feedback for your work, you may consider a one-on-one consultation with a Writers’ Program instructor.

Consultations give you a full cover-to-cover read of your work, a written evaluation, and a follow-up conversation in person, via phone, or web chat.

This is ideal for writers who want to ensure their work is up industry standards before seeking representation, publication, entry into literary or screenwriting competitions, fellowships, and/or MFA programs. 

How it works:

  • Request a specific Writers’ Program instructor with whom you would like to work. An advisor can recommend one based on your project. 
  • Once an instructor is confirmed, he or she carefully reads and reviews your work and sends you a written evaluation. 
  • Arrangements are then made for a follow-up conversation in person, via phone, or by web chat (determined by the instructor).

If you’re interested in a consultation with the Writers’ Program, email us at writers@uclaextension.edu.

Creative Writing Consultations

A creative writing consultation is ideal for writers who have a complete draft of their manuscript (including long and short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, plays, and children’s books).

Submission Format 

Manuscripts must be double-spaced, single-sided, and typed in 12-pt. Times New Roman. Pages should be numbered and have a one-inch margin all around. For poetry and children’s books, please contact our office for guidelines.

Creative Writing Fees

Consultations are $10 per page with a $500 minimum fee. 

Creative Writing Certificate graduates* receive 50% off a manuscript consultation within six months of certificate completion. Contact a Writers' Program student advisor for more information. 

Manuscript Length Professional Feedback

Up to 50 pages

51-100 pages

101-200 pages

201+ pages

30-min consultation + 1-2 pages of notes

30-min consultation + 2-4 pages of notes

60-min consultation + 4-6 pages of notes

90-min consultation + 6-8 pages of notes

View the Writers' Program Instructor Directory

Screenwriting Consultations

A script consultation is ideal for writers who want professional feedback on a completed draft of a treatment, TV spec or pilot, or feature film script.

Submission Format

Scripts should be typed in standard industry format. All pages must be numbered and typed in 12-point Courier; the screenplay or script should also include a title page with name, address, and date of submission. 

Type of Script Professional Feedback Fees and Page Limits

Feature Film

One-Hour TV

Half-Hour TV


90-min consultation + 4-6 pages of notes

60-min consultation + 2-4 pages of notes

60-min consultation + 2-4 pages of notes

60-min consultation + 2-4 pages of notes

$775 (up to 120 pages)

$650 (up to 65 pages)

$575 (up to 52 pages)

$550 (up to 15 pages)

View the Writers' Program Instructor Directory

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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