Creative Café: Food & Writing


Learn to write with food at the center of your writing practice in this generative workshop devoted to all the ways food shapes our lives, cultures, and memories.


What you can learn.

  • Read great food writing to discover important craft techniques you can implement
  • Complete assignments from class to class to start new pieces centered around food
  • Discover publishing outlets for your food-inspired writing
  • Write across genres and with any level of past experience

About this course:

Food is a fact of life, a universal shared culture, and amongst our most intimate concerns. Now, more than ever, food looms large in our personal, political, environmental and cultural spheres. For writers, food can inspire a lifetime supply of evocative literature. In four, half-day sessions spanning four Saturdays, we will consider current approaches to food, read great food writing, do in class exercises and homework assignments for class critique, shaping a work through multiple drafts. Students will discover exciting ways to write about food, as well as expand their creative horizons regarding outlets, whether it be food-centric blogs, online literary sites, podcasts, social media, books or publishing with traditional mainstream media. Genres covered include fiction, non-fiction, memoir, essay and poetry. Course is appropriate for all writing levels, from fresh beginner to fine-aged pro. Possible Guest Speaker.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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