Transfer Credit Courses

Earn credit that transfers to UC and Cal State schools*

Earn credits toward your degree, or prepare for graduate and professional schools.

UCLA Extension offers courses in a wide variety of subjects that can help you fulfill graduate program prerequisites or earn unit credit toward a bachelor's degree. Our transfer credit courses are directly transferable to UC and Cal State campuses, plus many universities nationwide.* Study in person or online.

Note: Courses numbered XL 1 - XL 199 are not eligible for discounts in Summer Quarter.

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Headed to Med School? 

Fulfill pre-medical or pre-health prerequisites with our Pre-Medical and General Science certificate. Perfect for students preparing for medical school, but also nursing, dentistry, veterinary studies, physician assistant training, and more. This program qualifies for federal financial aid.  

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Course numbers and transferability* 

For courses numbered XL 1 - XL 199
UCLA Extension courses with XL 1–XL 199 in the course number are equivalent to undergraduate courses offered by UCLA regular session, and provide credit toward bachelor degrees across all campuses of the University of California (unit and subject credit) and the California State University System (up to 36 units of credit, subject and grade credit). They are also accepted at many universities nationwide. Always check with your receiving institution for transferability, as limits may apply. 

For courses numbered X 1 - X 199
UCLA Extension courses with X 1 – X 199 in the course number are structured in accordance with requirements for UCLA undergraduate courses, but include subject matter not part of the regular undergraduate curriculum. While no courses exactly equivalent to these are offered in UCLA’s regular session, they are transferrable for unit credit toward bachelor degrees at all campuses of the University of California and up to 36 units of subject and grade credit at California State University schools. Applicability for subject credit is typically determined by a UCLA student’s major department and by other institutions upon consideration of the full course description.

Courses numbered 1-99 are considered lower division (freshman/sophomore); those numbered 100-199 are considered upper level (junior/senior).

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

Creative Writing: 310-825-9451;

Geography: 310-206-6794;

Humanities & Social Sciences: 310-825-9433;

Math & Statistics: 310-825-7093;

Languages: 310-825-9433;

Sciences: 310-825-7093;

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