Financial and Non-Financial Considerations for Retirement Planning

MGMT 833.830

Attend our free seminar to learn more about how to financially prepare for retirement. 


What you can learn.

  • Learn how to mentally prepare yourself for retirement and changes in your routine
  • Understand how relationships change during retirement and what that means
  • Know how you prepare financially for retirement and what financial resources you may need to retire
  • Figure out what benefits and risks are changed by retirement and how to prepare for those changes

About this course:

Financially we know we need to prepare for retirement but there is a mental aspect of preparing and transitioning into retirement as well. This seminar looks at the full picture. How much money do you need to retire comfortably and what preparations do you need to make mentally to be able to enjoy retirement.

Make an investment in your career.

Broaden your expertise as a financial professional, make a career change into a financial field, or gain the knowledge to take control of your personal finances at UCLA Extension. Explore our courses and programs in the field of finance and investments.

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Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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