Strategic Thinking: Tools, Processes and Cases

MGMT X 410.3

This course is the capstone for UCLA Extension’s Pre-MBA Studies Certificate and a cornerstone of the Corporate Finance and Financial Strategies Certificate.


What you can learn.

  • Develop and learn key concepts and issues in business strategy
  • Learn and apply diagnostic and analytical tools that aid in strategic thinking
  • Develop an ability to integrate concepts, principles, and skills learned in specialized exercises and cases
  • Understand a more holistic sense of what organizations do and how individuals contribute to the overall success of the company

About this course:

The course objective is to teach students a way of thinking that leads to effective strategy development and operational problem-solving using instructor-selected case studies that well integrate the marketing, finance, accounting, business economics and business mathematics courses. Students are challenged to evaluate specific business scenarios to achieve an increased proficiency in evaluating, recommending, and forecasting strategic alternatives and potential changes to enhance organizational success, effectiveness, and efficiencies. University M.B.A. programs can be expected to utilize the case study method throughout their curricula reinforcing the high value of this pre-M.B.A. education and experience. Students pursuing our advanced finance certificates will find the case study approach useful as they can apply the skills learned immediately in the workplace. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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