Women, Wealth and Wisdom: Women in the Workplace

MGMT 833.821L

Hear from successful women who are at the top of their fields talk about their journeys on how they got there and lessons they have learned along the way. 


Why you should attend.

  • Hear personal stories from successful women on their experiences in the workplace
  • Discuss where we stand today as a society and how far we still need to go
  • Get advice on how to deal with the issues women face in the workplace that frequently do not impact their male counterparts

About this course:

Top women in their fields talk about their journeys. Being heard in meetings, dealing with macroaggressions, and pay inequities. Where does society stand today and have we made progress in creating equity?

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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