Advanced Estate Planning

MGMT X 439.31

This course examines estate planning techniques designed primarily for individuals with estates of more than $5 million.


What you can learn.

  • Generation-skipping transfers, life insurance planning and irrevocable life insurance trusts
  • Discounted giving techniques, including qualified personal residence trusts, grantor retained annuity trusts, and unitrusts
  • The use of gifts involving family limited partnerships and limited liability companies
  • The use of charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts

About this course:

This course examines estate planning techniques designed primarily for individuals with estates of more than $5 milllion. Included are in-depth examinations of the following topics: generation-skipping transfers, life insurance planning and irrevocable life insurance trusts, and effective uses of charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts. The course also includes an intensive review of discounted giving techniques, including Qualified Personal Residence Trusts, Grantor Retained Annuity Trusts and Unitrusts, and the effective use of gifts involving family limited partnerships and limited liability companies. The instructor encourages the attendance of attorneys, accountants, financial planners, life insurance agents, and trust officers.
MGMT X 439.3 Estate Planning or consent of instructor.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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