Art and Science of Brewing

CHEM 805

This course is designed for students to understand the process of brewing beer from raw materials into the package and out to the customer.


What you can learn.

  • Explore the brewing industry including tasting, pairing, and serving
  • Visit and evaluate two local breweries of different sizes
  • Assess continual development of the brewing process and apply to the commercial level

About this course:

Beer is one of the world’s most enjoyed beverages. The process of turning barley, hops, yeast and water into over a hundred distinct styles of beer is increasingly of interest in the world of homebrewing, craft beer, and the continual development of a process and product that has been around for hundreds of years. This course will give students an understanding of the process of brewing beer from raw materials into the package and out to the customer. It will also cover insights into the brewing industry including tasting, pairing, and serving. As a part of the course the students will also be able to visit two local breweries of different sizes and apply their process understanding to the commercial level. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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