Vintage Discussions: An Introduction to the UCLA Extension Wine Program

MGMT 736

A panel of wine experts will provide an insightful presentation on changes in the wine industry profession due to COVID-19 and how the wine landscape may evolve in the next five years. 


Why you should attend.

  • Gain an introduction to the topic of wine as a beverage, as an area of study, and as a profession
  • Learn about the complexities of wine
  • Hear more about the multi-billion-dollar California wine industry from our experts
  • Discuss how COVID has changed the profession and what the landscape may look like in the next half-decade

About this course:

We’re UCLA’s Vintage Team, and we want to talk to you about wine. Wine is one of the most multifaceted beverages on earth, and one of the oldest. Its 5,000 year history parallels the history of civilization itself, as harbinger of many of its great agricultural innovations and social lubricants, the beverage of kings and peasants, a universal agent of celebration, conviviality, human warmth, and engagement. It is the original social network. It’s a wildly complex beverage, a peerless accompaniment to a great meal, a drink capable of great profundity at the height of its expression (and of much, much less). Like many great arts, wine is an inexhaustible topic: the more you know, the more you can appreciate its qualities, its secrets, and its gifts; the more you taste, the better equipped you are to grasp just how remarkable it is. Wine is, finally, a multi-billion-dollar California industry, with tremendous and wide-ranging professional opportunities for chemists and artists, sommeliers and salespeople, and marketers and aesthetes. The UCLA wine education program provides wine education to the UCLA Community. We are a team of professionals working in all aspects of the industry, with decades of experience between us, and we’d like to invite you to join us for an introduction to the topic of wine as a beverage, as an area of study, and as a profession. This webinar will be designed to share with you how and why we got into the business, take you through some of the highlights of our respective careers, and introduce you to some of the perks the profession routinely offers, from peak culinary experiences to unique travel opportunities. Along the way we’ll discuss the ways that the profession has changed, and is likely to change, as a result of the pandemic. COVID has altered the landscape of the industry, for better and for worse, and so we’ll have a discussion as to just what that landscape might look like in the next half-decade.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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