Vintage I


This course covers viticulture and enology with an in-depth look at classic grape varieties which comprise quality wines in all parts of the world, and provides the groundwork necessary to enroll in Vintage II or Vintage III.


What you can learn.

  • Learn foundational viticulture topics: what makes a good vineyard site, planting a vineyard, management of the vine and harvesting decisions
  • Explore viticultural philosophies and how they influence the end product
  • Become familiar with winemaking topics like fermentation techniques, vessels, postfermentation processes, bottling, and QAQC

About this course:

This course covers viticulture and enology with an in-depth look at the well-known or classic grape varieties one typically encounters in tasting quality wines in all parts of the world. Viticulture topics include what makes a good vineyard site, planting a vineyard, cultivars, management of the vine, harvesting decisions, and viticultural philosophies. Winemaking topics include grape reception, fermentation techniques, vessels, post-fermentation processes, bottling, and QAQC. This course provides the groundwork necessary to enroll in Vintage II or Vintage III.
ENOLGY X 485 Introduction to Wine.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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