Strategic Human Resources Management

MGMT X 450.35

For HR practitioners ready to advance to the next level, this course will provide the knowledge and skills needed to be a strategic HR leader and business partner.


What you can learn.

  • Get an overview the C-suite, and gain comfort in using the language of senior business partners
  • Learn how to strategically position HR and align with organizational and business goals
  • Identify and analyze HR management trends and strategies, specifically as they apply and affect your business and organization
  • Further financial acumen and learn about mergers and acquisitions, as well as developing metrics to measure the ROI of HR

About this course:

Leadership in the field of Human Resources requires much more skill and knowledge today than it has in the past. CEOs and boards have higher expectations for the role of the HR leader as a strategic, knowledgeable business partner. This course introduces the seasoned HR practitioner to areas of knowledge CEOs expect and helps participants develop a comfort speaking the same language as other senior business leaders. Topics include a history of HR management, identification and analysis of strategic trends, the dynamics of changing technology, best practices in HR systems design, financial acumen for HR professionals, HR's role in Sarbanes-Oxley implementation, mergers and acquisitions strategy, HR metrics and the ROI (return on investment) of human resources.
MGMT X 450 Elements of Human Resources Management or consent of instructor.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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