Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate

MGMT 736.4

This seminar provides an understanding of the actions individuals can take to prepare and strengthen their communities against a changing climate. 


What you can learn.

  • Gain an overview of complexity and adaptation in the context of disaster response
  • Explore the ways in which novel threats challenge current preparedness efforts and how they may change
  • Learn the fundamentals of crisis leadership, including decision-making, networking, and innovation
  • Gain a basic introduction to emergency management policy and explore opportunities for getting involved in advancing community preparedness

About this course:

As the effects of climate change intensify, major disasters are becoming more frequent, more intense, and more expensive. This seminar will provide a national perspective on how major disasters are changing, and how these shifts impact the Los Angeles region. We will explore the tested strategies that promote community and organizational adaptation to these changes (including hazard mitigation, building code adoption, and insurance requirements) and also discuss the particular challenges facing vulnerable populations. Students will leave the seminar with an understanding of the individual actions they can take to prepare and strengthen their communities against a changing climate.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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