Coaching and Mentoring Employees

MGMT 859.8

Intended for those in managerial or supervisory roles, this workshop introduces the basic elements of coaching and mentoring to help boost performance, harness competitive energy, or defuse problems.


What you can learn.

  • Understand the approaches and elements of coaching and mentoring
  • Discuss the appropriateness and benefits of each approach
  • Practice specific application techniques for a variety of personality types and work circumstances

About this course:

Managers and supervisors play a key role in coaching all types of employees in all kinds of situations, but few have had formal training in the process or understand the benefits. Coaching (and mentoring) suggests a supportive/collaborative approach rather than a directing or controlling approach. For many employees, this may be the most effective way to boost performance, harness competitive energy, or defuse problems. This seminar introduces the basic elements of coaching and mentoring, discusses the appropriateness and benefits of each approach, and provides specific application techniques for a variety of personality types and work circumstances.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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