Organizational Change for Sustainability

MGMT X 456

This course introduces methodologies that foster cultural change and enable employees to participate in transforming companies to more sustainable organizations.


What you can learn.

  • Investigate the role organizational change theory plays in leading strategic change to promote green, sustainable products, processes, and organizations
  • Examine potential resistance to change and response strategies, and analyze metrics for evaluating success of organizational development efforts
  • Understand the "triple bottom-line" and full cost accounting of an organization's social, economic, and ecological success

About this course:

Investigate the role organizational change theory plays in leading strategic change to promote green, sustainable products, processes, and organizations. This course introduces techniques aligning language and goals, presents methodologies that foster cultural change, and enables employees to participate in transforming companies to more sustainable organizations. Students also examine potential resistance to change and response strategies, and analyze metrics for evaluating success of organizational development efforts on people, planet, and profit, the "triple bottom-line" for "full cost accounting" of an organization's social, economic, and ecological success.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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