Scenarios-based action planning: Pre-crisis decision-making

MGMT 736.3

This seminar provides the tools to engage in scenarios-based action planning.  Students will learn proven methods of premortem scenarios planning to prepare for, respond to and recover from any event that could negatively impact organizational stability. 


What you can learn.

  • Review practical techniques to help you avoid predictable surprises
  • Develop skills to help you search for, anticipate, and take action on existing and emerging crisis indicators and warning signs
  • Learn practical and repeatable methods to add scenarios-based action plans into existing tactical and strategic plans
  • Learn how to teach and train others in the premortem scenarios planning process

About this course:

The best leaders make a preemptive strike and forecast the predictable surprises that their organization could encounter. They engage in scenarios-based premortem planning to anticipate, envision and preempt the impact of a potential crisis.  This seminar provides the tools to engage in scenarios-based action planning.  Students will learn proven methods of premortem scenarios planning to prepare for, respond to and recover from any event that could negatively impact organizational stability. This instruction will be augmented by case studies in which attendees will engage in scenarios involving scandal, geopolitical unrest and other unplanned events to better prepare you to lead during a crisis.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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