Testing, Training, and Exercises for Business and Government Agencies

MGMT X 408.804

This course provides the tools for conducting risk and vulnerability assessments for any organization and incorporating these assessments into thriving emergency plans.


What you can learn.

  • Assess your emergency plan through testing, training, and exercises
  • Review tools and cases that lead to knowledge in structuring assessments, testing, and training exercises

About this course:

Every organization has unique vulnerabilities, assets, exposures and employees. Learn the tools for applying a risk or vulnerability assessment to any organization and incorporating these assessments into thriving emergency plans. Emergency plans must then undergo reality checks in the form of testing, training and exercises. This course provides you with the sets of tools and cases that lead to knowledge in structuring assessments, testing/validating, training and planning exercises applicable inside any specific organization.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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