Marketing Hollywood's Global Brands

MGMT 865.10

A series of “chats” that centers on career focused topics in an effort to help our students connect with industry professionals and learn about job opportunities that exist within the entertainment industry.


What you can learn.

  • Learn about the business side of the entertainment industry
  • Network with industry experts and peers
  • Hear about the career impacting lessons that were learned from being on the job
  • Hear from top industry experts how they apply their marketing and business related backgrounds to the entertainment industry

About this course:

Exclusive chat with Ron Friedman, a writer-producer who has provided global leadership for entertainment character development and branding. His work includes the development of the G.I. Joe series and, with Stan Lee, creation of the Marvel Action Hour amongst many other things. Mr. Friedman will be discussing his experiences and how his background in marketing and global branding has impacted his career plus more.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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