Trending Topics in Digital Marketing: The Business of Being an Influencer

MGMT X 460.395

This course will cover various topics related to digital marketing as the new most relevant trends, tools, techniques, and topics emerge. Course content and number of units will vary.  


What you can learn.

  • Develop a startup business plan that identifies and defines your unique value proposition, business model, and potential sponsors
  • Outline a proposal for prospecting sponsors and/or partners
  • Create an influencer media kit that outlines audience demographics, pricing, and deliverables

About this course:

Influencer Marketing is on track to become a $15 billion industry by 2020, making influencers a vital part of the American small business economy. As founders of their own personal brands, influencers are modern-day entrepreneurs who are expected to be CEOs, CFOs, CCOs and CMOs all at once. They are responsible for managing, monetizing, and marketing their businesses and driving the creative strategy that allows them to grow on social media, all while balancing the brands that pay them and the social audiences who consume their content. This class is for aspiring influencers, entrepreneurs, and any student interested in launching and growing a business built on a strong personal brand. Students will conduct market research, read case studies, and study the basics of entrepreneurship to create a business plan that helps identify and define their objectives and how they’ll achieve their goals from a product/services, marketing, finance, and operational standpoint.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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