Photographic Composition

ART X 440.80

An introduction to concepts in composition, including foreground, middle ground, and background; point of view; visual hierarchy; lens choice; depth of field; and revealing intent through compositional choices.


What you will learn.

  • Learn about the history and relevant ideas regarding composition in photography
  • Develop your eye for framing and composition
  • Learn techniques and methods to make visually interesting photographs
  • Learn what makes certain images stand out above others
  • Develop a strong narrative and vision

About this course:

Composition is the subtle art of photographic storytelling. Photographers must make deliberate, artful decisions about what to include in the frame and how it is placed. This course introduces students to concepts in composition, including foreground, middle ground, and background; point of view; visual hierarchy; lens choice; depth of field; and revealing intent through compositional choices. Creative assignments—including shooting portraits, environments, and landscapes—encourage students to experiment with scale and location and incorporate the skills learned in class.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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