Photoshop II

DESMA X 481.43

Master sophisticated adjustment techniques necessary for constructing professional images with this ubiquitous design tool.


What you can learn.

  • Increase familiarity with traditional tools and explore new and more advanced features to create modern layouts, interfaces, and controls for web, mobile, video, and UI design
  • Gain advanced skills in editing and altering photographs for optimal viewing and printing preferences
  • Harness the software's professional production techniques to achieve the most effective visual results

About this course:

Master sophisticated techniques and best practices necessary for constructing professional level work in Photoshop. Learn advanced concepts and how to best utilize the program for various mediums while focusing on quality and efficiency. Students must have a subscription to Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud (CC). In addition, for in-person sections: Students must bring a laptop to every class meeting.
X 481.11 Photoshop I or equivalent experience.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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