Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


This intermediate course reinforces additional key geographic concepts and techniques related to GIS, including coordinate systems, data management, spatial databases, geoprocessing, raster processing and analysis, digitizing and various types of spatial analysis.


What you can learn.

  • Assess the potential uses and broader impacts of geospatial technologies
  • Develop computing and problem-solving skills for GIS projects
  • Develop the ability to formulate geographic research questions and apply geospatial methods to answering such questions
  • Explore diverse geospatial data formats and metadata, as well as raster georeferencing and vector digitizing techniques
  • Learn essential GIS and data management and processing methods, including spatial database management and geoprocessing

About this course:

This course reinforces and introduces additional key geographic concepts and techniques related to the theory and application of geographic information systems (GIS). Topics such as geographic coordinate systems, automation, geoprocessing, raster data processing and management, vector digitizing, and various forms of spatial data management are given in-depth treatment during this intensive seminar. Spatial data literacy, data formats, and data manipulation practices are also emphasized. Students are trained in the use of both open-source (QGIS) and commercial (Esri's ArcGIS for Desktop) GIS software platforms. In addition to exposing students to the variety of settings and situations in which GIS data management techniques are used, students also learn how to implement such techniques through completion of practical exercises. Students will be earning transferable UCLA course credit for all courses in the certificate program. This course is accredited and approved by the UCLA Academic Senate as a credit-bearing course. It carries upper-division undergraduate credit. Weekly activities include reviewing video lectures, technical screencasts, and readings. Completing practical assignments involve the use of GIS methods to address real-world scenarios; Self-assessment using automated non-graded quizzes; and more.

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Our team members are here to help. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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