
Teacher Induction - California Clear Credential (School Mentor Track)

Hone your teaching skills with mentoring from an approved school mentor teacher through this five-course online program.

This program is perfect for...

  • California teachers who need to clear their preliminary teaching credential
  • Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and/or Education Specialist credential holders
  • Newly credentialed teachers who prefer to work with an approved mentor in their local community
  • Educators who want to advance their teaching career with the flexibility offered by a fully online format

What you can learn.

  • Discover and explore research based strategies to increase student engagement
  • Develop strong collaboration skills with colleagues, mentors and UCLA Extension instructors
  • Explore current, applicable strategies to expand your assessment, differentiation and critical thinking toolbox
  • Develop your professional leadership skills through your Individual Learning Plan and Capstone project

Support for new teachers.

Young teacher in a yellow sweater holding a binder

The UCLA Extension Teacher Induction–California Clear Credential program is a two-year cohort model, individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning for newly credentialed teachers. The new cohort starts in the Fall term (September) each academic year.

Guided by the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP), UCLA Extension’s Teacher Induction–California Clear Credential Program is structured to support the Participating Teacher (PT) in building upon the foundation of knowledge and skills established during his/her preliminary credential program.

PTs receive extensive support and mentoring to enhance and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities. Through inquiry, collaboration and reflective practices, participating teachers grow and develop as professional educators.

This program is offered 100% online.

Young Hispanic teacher with female student

School Mentor Track

The School Mentor Track option is based upon a mentor selected and approved by your administrator on your school site.  A Memorandum of Understanding between UCLA Extension and your school is established to delineate and define the qualifications, requirements and responsibilities necessary to provide you with extensive, just-in-time support and mentoring. UCLA Extension does not provide a mentor for this option.

If you do not have a potential Induction Site-Based Mentor available, UCLA Extension can match you with a mentor based on the credential you are clearing. For more information, view the Teacher Induction - California Clear Credential (University Mentor Track) Specialization.

Early Completion Option (ECO)

Young teacher with group of students

An Early Completion Option (ECO) is available for candidates who have prior teaching experience and have demonstrated exceptional practices. If approved, you will be waived from the first Induction/Inquiry cycle; ECO candidates begin in the Spring term (January) only and can complete the program in 1.5 years. 

To be eligible, candidates must hold a preliminary multiple or single-subject credential and meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Two or more years of successful teaching at a public school within the United States*
  • Verification of teaching experience through at least two rigorous, positive evaluations from site administrators
*Candidates with teaching experience at a private school,or at a school outside of the United States, may submit documentation for the ECO option for review.
Female teacher with two elementary school children

Multiple Credential Holders

Candidates who hold more than one preliminary credential (Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and/or Education Specialist) will be able to clear all of their credentials by the end of the induction program.

Participating teachers will be required to demonstrate progress in meeting individual learning goals they have developed for all credentials they intend to clear. PTs will consult with their site administrators, program mentors, and instructors for guidance about gaining access to other classes or students, as needed.

Learn from Industry Leaders

"I am thrilled to assist teachers across California in earning their credentials and expanding their instructional toolkits with us here at UCLA Extension Education." 

elizabeth Rourke-Chappelle

Program Curriculum

Teacher induction candidates may start the program in the Fall term (September) or in the Spring term (January) of a given year. 

Candidates complete four online courses that are scheduled to be closely aligned with the K-12 school system’s fall and spring terms over the two-year period. The sequential courses provide the structure and resources for teachers to develop, implement, and assess their professional growth for goals that they set in their own Individual Learning Plan (ILP), and to participate in a professional learning community with other teacher participants and their mentors.

Each course presents a broad essential question related to the CSTPs and provides related resources for teacher candidates to explore within the context of their own ILPs:

  • Effective Learning Environments
    Who are my students and how do I create an effective environment for learning for all students?
  • Differentiating Instruction
    How do I differentiate instruction for the learners in my classroom?
  • Assessing Students’ Learning and Growth
    How do I know that my students are making progress and how do I help them demonstrate their growth?
  • Capstone
    How do I demonstrate my growth as a professional educator?



Click below to view the required and elective courses, if applicable, for this program.

Required Courses
Students must first complete EDUC 839 followed by the four other required courses in this stream.
EDUC 839
Typically Offered: Fall, Winter
EDUC X 439.1
Typically Offered: Fall
EDUC X 439.2
Typically Offered: Winter
EDUC X 439.4
Typically Offered: Winter

How to Get Started

Review the eligibility requirements and application details. Click "Apply Now" below to begin.

Fall Term 2025 Application Deadline: August, 25, 2025

  • Teachers must hold a California Preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and/or Education Specialist credential
  • Teachers must be employed in a contracted teaching position as teacher of record for no less than 50% time in a teaching assignment that matches the subjects and/or grade levels of the California preliminary credential that is being cleared. In an elementary (multiple subject) classroom, the teaching assignment must include time teaching at least two core subject areas (reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, or performing/visual arts), one of which must be reading/language arts or mathematics. The term of employment must overlap significantly with the time frame when the induction program courses are offered, late August through May.
  • Teachers may be employed at public schools, charter schools, or private schools. Education Specialists may also be employed at non-public schools (NPS). Schools must be accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or an equivalent regional institution.
  • Teachers must have met the state’s California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and subject matter competence (CSET) requirements prior to admission to the induction program.
  • Teachers holding a Level 1 Education Specialist credential may be required to take additional coursework. Any fees associated with additional coursework are the responsibility of the teacher.


The Teacher Induction–California Clear Credential Program: School Mentor Teacher (SMT) track is designed to be a collaboration between UCLA and a school or district. Participating teachers receive weekly guidance and support from an approved school mentor teacher (SMT) who provides immediate help for teaching challenges and ongoing coaching and resources to help the new teacher meet their individual learning and growth plan goals.

Please note that the SMT track requires the school or district to sign a memorandum of understanding with UCLA Extension regarding the qualifications, responsibilities, and requirements of school mentor teachers, including participation in training and evaluation.

Intensive and on-going interaction is required between the school mentor, participating teacher, and site administrator. Therefore, UCLA Extension implements a policy which states that mentors and participating teachers must be employed at the same school site and district if enrolled in the SMT track, in order to support and facilitate the required collaboration and communication. Exceptions will be reviewed based upon individual needs and circumstances.

Download the Mentor Teacher Application


Who is eligible for this induction program?

  • Teachers must hold a California Preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and/or Education Specialist credential.
  • Teachers must be employed in a contracted teaching position as teacher of record for no less than 50% time in a teaching assignment that matches the subjects and/or grade levels of the California preliminary credential that is being cleared. In an elementary (multiple subject) classroom, the teaching assignment must include time teaching at least two core subject areas (reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, or performing/visual arts), one of which must be reading/language arts or mathematics. The term of employment must overlap significantly with the time frame when the induction program courses are offered, late August through May.
  • Teachers may be employed at public schools, charter schools, or private schools. Education Specialists may also be employed at non-public schools (NPS). Schools must be accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or an equivalent regional institution.
  • Teachers must have met the state’s California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and subject matter competence (CSET) requirements prior to admission to the induction program.

For questions about eligibility, contact us at 310-206-8342 or credentials@uclaextension.edu

Am I eligible for the program if I teach in a non-traditional classroom setting, e.g. studio teacher, correctional facilities teacher, online instructor, home school teacher, etc.?

This depends on the circumstances of employment. Correctional facilities teachers are not eligible due to privacy concerns. Online teachers, home school teachers, and studio teachers are eligible if the school or program is affiliated with a public/private school or is listed with a CDS code with the CA Department of Education.

Can I clear my Multiple Subject credential if I am teaching in a preschool?

Yes. Requirements to clearing a Multiple Subject credential while teaching preschool are:

  • Teach at a regionally accredited school
  • Utilize and follow CA Preschool Learning Framework
  • Utilize and follow CA Preschool Learning Foundations
  • Write lesson plans and assess using the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)

Can I clear my credential if I am unemployed or a substitute teacher?

No. Per recent CTC changes to the induction standards, only employed teachers are eligible for induction. These changes took effect September 1, 2017.

Can I clear my credential while teaching outside of California?

Yes. Out-of-state and out-of-country teachers may apply to the program and may be admitted if they meet the above eligibility requirements and if their site administrator agrees that the teacher will be able to:

  • Plan, teach, and assess student learning for subjects and skills in California’s content standards and curriculum frameworks that match the preliminary credential that is being cleared
  • Demonstrate differentiation of instruction, create supportive learning environments, and conduct formative and summative assessments for a range of student ability levels, cultural backgrounds, and English language skills

Can I clear my preliminary credential if it has expired?

Yes. As long as the teacher meets the eligibility requirements above, the teacher may still enroll and participate in induction with an expired credential. Most public school employers will require the teacher to appeal for an extension. Please view the CTC AL-3 leaflet  (pdf) for instructions on the appeal process.

I have a multiple subject credential but teach in a single subject classroom. Am I eligible to clear my multiple subject credential in this program?

It depends. A teacher is eligible to clear a multiple subject credential if (a) the teaching assignment is in an elementary or middle school, or is for teaching students elementary-level or middle-school level curriculum, and (b) the teacher is teaching at least two core subject areas in the multiple subject curriculum (reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, or visual/performing arts), one of which must be reading/language arts or mathematics.

I have a single subject credential but teach in an elementary classroom. Am I eligible to clear my single subject credential in this program?

No, an elementary teaching position (typically grades K-5) does not provide sufficient opportunities to teach secondary-level curriculum and to use developmentally appropriate instructional strategies for adolescents.

Do I need an induction program if I have a Ryan credential?

This depends on the specific renewal requirements listed on the credential. Teachers should look up their credential at www.ctc.ca.gov. If Induction is not listed, candidate may be eligible to apply directly to the CTC for a clear credential if they have one of the following:

  • Master’s degree
  • 30 semester units, beyond the Bachelor’s degree, in a defined field of study
  • A second Bachelor’s degree
  • A dual major Bachelor’s degree
  • A Bachelor’s degree with 150 semester units

It is recommended that Ryan candidates confirm this eligibility with the CTC directly at credentials@ctc.ca.gov.

How long does it take to complete the program?

The program is completed in two academic years, with courses spread out over two fall terms and two spring terms that parallel a K-12 school system’s semesters. Early Completion Option (ECO) candidates begin in the Spring term (January) only and can complete the program in 1.5 years.

Can I start the program at any time?

New cohorts begin in the Fall of each academic year (September). Candidates that qualify for the Early Completion Option (ECO) are waived out of the first Induction/Inquiry cycle and join their fellow cohort members in the Spring (January).

What is the cost of the program?

University Mentor Track tuition is $8,615, not to be paid up front. Course fees will be paid upon enrollment in individual courses. This track is for teachers whose school is unable to provide a qualified school mentor. UCLA will provide a university mentor.

School Mentor Track tuition is $5,615, not to be paid up front. Course fees will be paid upon enrollment in individual courses. This track is for teachers whose school can provide a qualified school mentor.

Is financial aid available?

For resources on funding your education, please visit UCLA Extension Financial Aid

How many courses and/or units are required?

  • There are a total of four core induction program courses (24 academic units) designed for teacher participants to develop, implement, and assess their progress for an individual learning plan and goals for improving their teaching practices, with guidance from a mentor and a course instructor. These core courses are spread out over four quarters (2 academic years).
  • Teacher participants who are working with a university mentor also enroll in an induction mentor support course each quarter (8 total continuing education units), while concurrently completing core courses. (Teacher participants who are working with a mentor from an approved induction partner school or district do not enroll in the mentor support courses.)
  • Finally, all teacher participants start the program with a short, two-week introduction to transitioning from a preliminary credential program to an induction program and measuring professional growth using the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (no units).


Can I clear both of my credentials simultaneously?

Yes. A teacher may clear more than one preliminary credential in the program. UCLA Extension is authorized to offer induction programs for clearing Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist credentials. If the teacher’s contracted teaching position matches only one of the credentials being cleared, the teacher participant will need to consult with an induction program advisor during the admissions process about ways to gain access to students where he/she can teach the appropriate content or levels and demonstrate California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) growth for the second credential. Based on that counseling sessions, the teaching participant and the UCLA Extension Induction Program will agree to an individualized induction plan and time frame needed to meet induction requirements for both credentials.

Contact information: 

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

Website: Contact the Commission


We’re Here to Help

Your success is our success. Our goal is to make sure every student has the support, advice and assistance they need to successfully navigate this program.

  • Prospective and current students may request a one-on-one consultation with a program representative regarding admission, academic advisement, and professional growth and development. Email credentials@uclaextension.edu or call (310) 206-8342 to set up an appointment.
  • Once enrolled, you’ll also receive ongoing personal support and collaboration with your instructors and mentor.
  • For 24/7 technical support regarding our online learning management platform, Canvas, visit Student Resources for Online Learning.


Estimated Cost Breakdown

All courses in this program are paid for individually, unless otherwise noted. An application form is required to establish candidacy in this program. From the 'Apply Now' button, complete the online application and pay the application fee if applicable.

Application & Candidacy Fee


Estimated Program Tuition


Estimated program textbook/materials


*The Application & Candidacy Fee establishes your candidacy in the program for a period of time covering normal progress toward completion and may allow you to access a variety of program benefits.

**Federal Financial Aid Gainful Employment Disclosures

The U.S. Department of Education requires colleges and universities to disclose certain information for any financial aid eligible program that, “prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation”. This information includes program costs; occupations that the program prepares students to enter; occupational profiles; on time completion rate; and for the most recent award year: the number of students who have completed the program, the number of students who complete the program within the estimated duration, the job placement rate, and the median Title IV and private loan debt incurred by those who complete the program. For gainful employment information for this program, visit our Financial Aid page.

The following self-reported demographics represent students enrolled in the UCLA Extension Teacher Induction - California Clear Credential Programs, School Mentor Track & University Mentor Track, from 1/1/2017-1/24/2020. 

  • Caucasian: 36%
  • Asian: 25%
  • Black: 1%
  • Hispanic: 19%
  • Other: 3%
  • Two or more: 10%
  • Declined to state: 6%
  • Female: 67%
  • Male: 33%






Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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