Negotiation Principles and Techniques

MGMT X 411.2

Master essential negotiation skills for successful contract management.


What you can learn.

  • Understand the fundamental principles of negotiation and their application in contract management
  • Employ effective communication techniques to build rapport and establish trust during complex negotiations
  • Identify and analyze negotiation styles and strategies employed by counterparties
  • Apply principled negotiation techniques to achieve win-win outcomes in contract negotiations with confidence
  • Utilize power dynamics and leverage effectively to influence negotiation outcomes
  • Develop strategies for managing conflicts and overcoming impasses in negotiations

About this course:

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of negotiation theory and practice within the context of contract management. Students learn to navigate complex negotiations, manage conflicts, and leverage strategies to secure mutually beneficial agreements. Students will also learn effective techniques, negotiation tactics, negotiation items, communication strategies, and ethical considerations. Through interactive simulations and case studies, participants will hone their negotiation skills and enhance their ability to achieve optimal results in diverse contractual settings.

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Our team members are here to help. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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