The Craft of the Cinematographer

FILM TV X 478.282

 Master the application of the principles and techniques of cinematography in this capstone course by executing short film assignments as well as through lectures, discussions, and hands-on workshops that test your creativity and adaptability.


What you can learn.

  • Understand the aesthetics of cinematography in depth
  • Learn more about the use of composition, depth of field, and different shot types as artistic tools
  • Gain a greater knowledge of screen direction, framing, and execution
  • Be tested on your creativity and understanding of cinematographic concepts by completing projects outside of class

About this course:

In this capstone course of the Cinematography Certificate program, apply your knowledge of the principles and elements of cinematography through several short filmmaking assignments. Lectures and discussion cover various advanced lighting and shooting techniques and the examination of film genres and visual styles. You are asked to test your creativity and understanding of different cinematography concepts, techniques and genres presented by completing shooting exercises using your own camera outside of class. Student work is screened and critiqued in class. You must provide your own video camera, have access to editing equipment and software, and be able to output your assignments to various media sources. This course also provides a bridge to the professional world by discussing various paths of entry and employment opportunities into the cinematography field.

Students must have access to a digital video camera, editing equipment and software. Successful completion of FILM TV X 478.27A Introduction to Cinematography and FILM TV X 478.283 Lighting for Emotional Impact is required.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

This course applies towards the following certificates & specializations…

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