Advanced Orchestration: Applied Techniques for the Studio and Scoring Stage

MUSC X 483.2

This course further explores the unique evocative capabilities of each musical instrument and examines their applications in regard to scoring to picture, considered from both the composer's and orchestrator's perspective.


What you can learn.

  • Examine examples of effective orchestration techniques using both classical score study and case studies from film scores
  • Learn how to work with different types of sketches to create a professional quality score
  • Apply techniques by composing two short pieces to be played in class

About this course:

Building on what was learned in Instrumentation and Introduction to Orchestration, this course further explores the unique evocative capabilities of each of the five instrumental families and their relationship within a symphony orchestra context. Examples of effective composition and orchestration techniques using both music for the concert hall and for film will be examined in detail. Students will apply these techniques in a series of assignments, and by composing two short pieces: one for brass quintet and the other for a studio orchestra comprising woodwinds, brass, percussion, harp and strings.
Knowledge of music notation and theory, experience in music composition, and MUSC X 483.43 Instrumentation and Introduction to Orchestration, or consent of instructor. Basic working knowledge of a music notation program such as Sibelius is highly recommended as students are required to produce and print music scores and instrumental parts for their assignments.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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