The Art and Craft of MIDI

MUSC X 449.91

Learn to bring your electronic realizations of your demos and scores to more vivid life through take-home assignments, and learn to produce sample-based cues that sound more musical and realistic.


What you can learn.

  • Present your work each week for discussion and critique
  • Begin with selections of small chamber pieces and work your way up to large symphonic works
  • Create a final orchestral cue set to the moving image
  • Cover project studio considerations such as computer choices, sequencing software, and sample libraries
  • Discover proper orchestration and mixing techniques to produce musical facsimiles of acoustic instrument performance

About this course:

Learn to bring your electronic realizations of your demos and scores to more vivid life. Through take-home assignments, learn to produce sample-based "cues" that sound more musical and realistic. Student work is presented and critiqued each week in class. Assignments involve programming selections from the classical literature, beginning with small chamber pieces and progressing to large symphonic works. The class culminates in a final assignment of an original orchestral cue set to picture. In addition to the aesthetics of synthestration, this course also covers project studio requirements and considerations, such as computer choices, sequencing software, sample libraries, "electronic" orchestration techniques, and mixing techniques, all with the primary objective of producing "musical" facsimiles of acoustic instrument performances.
MUSC X 483.43 Instrumentation and Introduction to Orchestration and/or prior experience in instrumentation and orchestral composing. Access to and proficiency in using a home studio with sequencing software and samples are required for completion of assignments. The course does not include instruction in any specific software. Participants must already have adequate knowledge and resources to MIDI program short orchestral works and deliver these electronically.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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