Global Currency Management

MGMT X 460.988

This course is designed to help students, managers, and aspiring traders meet the challenges of managing currency operations and reducing the risks of foreign exchange swings.


What you can learn.

  • Learn about the world monetary system, impact of inflation (deflation), and exchange rates, governmental spending, and imbalances of trade
  • Gain a focused, streamlined learning approach to creating a global financial management strategy
  • Identify major areas of currency risks, strategies, and organizational structure requirements
  • Review foreign currency events, both past and current, focusing on the implications of these events on future capital flows and growth
  • Acquire a framework for analyzing the causes of expected exchange rate movements and how to deal with them

About this course:

Currency devaluations are a major cause of global economic chaos, thereby forcing multinational companies, as well as importers and exporters, to make long-term decisions that are undermined by daily trading occurrences. Currency traders, including hedgers, arbitrageurs and even speculators now are challenged by twenty-four hour global currency trading with markets made for almost any currency. This course is designed to help students, managers and aspiring traders meet the challenges of managing currency operations, capitalizing on opportunities and reducing the risks of foreign exchange swings. Instruction identifies major areas of currency risks, strategies and organizational structure requirements. Participants are provided a framework for analyzing the causes of expected exchange rate movements and how to deal with them. Students also review foreign currency events, both past and current, focusing on the implications of these events on future capital flows and growth.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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