Prevention and Control of Infectious Agents


The course provides an introduction to infectious agents, outbreak investigations and their subsequent mitigation strategies in a public health globally.


What you can learn.

  • Understand infectious agent profiles pertaining to specific communities
  • Evaluate various case studies incorporating outbreak and mitigation components
  • Comprehend and analyze infection prevention strategies
  • Develop mitigation strategies for various public health settings

About this course:

The course provides an introduction to infectious agents, outbreak investigations and their subsequent mitigation strategies in a public health globally. This course will help students understand infectious agent profiles pertaining to specific community and health care associated pathogens and diseases. The overall goal of this course is to expose students to various case studies that will incorporate outbreak and mitigation components. The intent of the course is to present material in class that is aimed at helping students to comprehend, synthesize, and analyze infection prevention strategies.

Students must have completed and received a grade of C or higher, in PUB HLT X 411 Applied Epidemiology for Infection Prevention and Control Professionals. 

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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