UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-17. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).
Study Skills & Other Key Preparations for Becoming a More Sophisticated Self-Learner
This workshop is an introduction on how to succeed in college and beyond with easy-to-implement strategies and the right mindset for more effective learning!
What you can learn.
- Gain an overview of popular myths about learning
- Examine ways to learn more effectively at any age
- Assess the when, how, and where to learn daily
- Determine the right mindset and attitude for successful learning
About this course:
This workshop is an introduction on how to succeed in college and beyond with easy-to-implement strategies and the right mindset for more effective learning. Over three days, we will discuss: Popular myths about learning, Ways to learn more effectively at any age, When, How, and Where to learn daily. Bonus Topic: The Right Mindset and Attitude for Successful Learning. We will learn about these topics through a mix of online presentations and interactive online activities.Corporate Education
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