UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-17. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).

Jesse U. Overall

Dr. Jess Overall has taught both traditional and online sections of X 110 “Mathematics for Management” at UCLA Extension “UNEX” for over three decades.  Additionally, he designed UNEX’s X 410 “Business Applications of Calculus” course, and taught its first section in 1989.  In 2016, Dr. Overall was selected to receive UNEX's Distinguished Instructor Award.


Dr. Overall earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Air Force Academy, and both Masters and PhD degrees from the University of California at Los Angeles.  He served as a tenured Professor of Quantitative Methods in the University of La Verne’s College of Business from 1991 until 2005. In addition to his part time teaching experience at UNEX, he has taught quantitative methods and statistics courses in the California State University System, and at Chapman University.  From 1984 through 1996, he was part of the “math camp” faculty UCLA Anderson retained to conduct summer math review workshops for entering Executive and Fully Employed MBA students.  He presently serves on the Industrial Advisory Board for West Texas A&M University’s ABET-accredited Computer Information Systems Program in the College of Business.   



Dr. Overall brings to the classroom over 28 years of experience working in a series of increasingly responsible management positions with the United States Air Force.  His primary involvement has been with the development of various space systems programs for Air Force Systems Command.  His experience also includes service as a full time faculty at the United States Air Force Academy.


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