Motion Graphics II

DESMA X 481.99QU

Become a Motion Graphics artist in this advanced course.


What you can learn.

  • Build on the skills learned in Motion Graphics I, such as integrating digital artwork into a moving composition
  • Learn new, advanced skills using After Effects
  • Integrate editing with Cinema 4D
  • Create portfolio-worthy projects that will enhance your skills and help you stand out in the marketplace

About this course:

Become a Motion Graphics artist in this advanced course. Build on the skills learned in X 481.99QT Motion Graphics I, such as integrating digital artwork into a moving composition, and learn new skills using After Effects. Also learn to integrate editing with Cinema 4D. Create portfolio-worthy projects that enhance your skills and help you stand out in the marketplace.

DESMA X 481.99QT Motion Graphics I (formerly known as After Effects) or equivalent experience.

Contact Us

Speak to a program representative. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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