Managing Global Outsourced Projects

MGMT X 443.5

This course is designed to increase your knowledge on effective approaches for contracting work outside your organization and the relationship between buyers and sellers for products or services.

Starting at $1,050.00
As few as 11 weeks

What you can learn.

  • Gain knowledge on key legal considerations in the contract process between buyer and seller
  • Describe the process it takes to close or terminate a contract
  • Calculate the outcome of a contract's financial performance based on contract terms, and identify areas that should be address to improve contract administration
  • Define the different negotiation tactics and the value of applying different approaches on varying relationships with win-win outcomes
  • Distinguish between between domestic and off-shoring (International) outsourcing models

About this course:

Outsourcing has become a way of life in the twenty-first century. Much of the project work that used to be proposed, planned, implemented and controlled inside an organization is now being partially or completely performed at domestic and foreign suppliers. Firms are transitioning from being "doers" of projects to "buyers" of project work. How can you be sure things are being done as you desire? This course is designed to help you increase your satisfaction levels with project outputs that enhance your effectiveness as a buyer and seller of products or services, especially for large contracts that include subcontractors and a supply chain of vendors. Instruction also covers decisions regarding make versus buy and the type of contract to use. Solicitation and source selection focuses on procurement and helps you understand the use of the statement of work, common solicitation documents, seller evaluation criteria, pricing and contract law considerations. Additionally, the course covers the contract administration process, which addresses seller performance and payment on external procurements; and the closing process, which covers contract completion, termination and disputes.
PMI Authorized Training Partner Badge

UCLA Extension is a Premier Authorized Training Partner (ATP®) and is approved by PMI to issue professional development units (PDUs).

Summer 2025 Schedule

Date & Time
This section has no set meeting times.
Future Offering (Opens April 28, 2025 12:00:00 AM)
See Details
Instructor: Vincent Padilla
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Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: Jun. 29

Refund Deadline
Refunds only available from April 28, 2025 to July 06, 2025
Course Requirements
Book: Outsourcing- All You Need To Know (Paperback) by Willcocks, Leslie P, Lacity, Mary
Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Contact Us

Our team members are here to help. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

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