UCLA Extension facilities are closed January 9-17. All in-person instruction will be remote (live online).
Radhika Sharma

Radhika Sharma

M.F.A., author of the short story collection Parikrama and the novel Mangoes for Monkeys. Ms. Sharma’s writing has appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Jose Mercury News, India Currents, The Santa Clara Review and others.

Instructor Statement Stories have transformative power and I feel a deep reverence for them. I believe that every student has the potential to craft a compelling and timeless story or creative work. My work with students focuses on developing their craft, equipping them with meticulous tools and vocabularies to delve deeper into their own work and empower them by mastering the techniques of storytelling. I support and encourage cross pollination between the arts and the different forms of writing. We will also learn about the business of publishing and outline the steps required to get our work to be publication ready. Above all, I hope to inspire and strengthen a spirit of joyful creativity that one arrives at when the fascinating and myriad tools and techniques of thinking visually and writing precisely are available to us.

Instructor Schedule
Spring 2025

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