How Solidarity in Poland Changed Europe

GENINT 721.762

Osher (50+). In this course, we look at the phenomenon of the Polish movement, Solidarity, in the 1980s.


About this course:

The nonviolent Solidarity movement was the driving force of Poland’s break from Communism and inspired its collapse across Eastern Europe. Founded in 1980 by a charismatic shipyard electrician, Lech Walesa, Solidarity shook and delegitimized the communist regime by exposing its ideological but false claims of being a free workers’ state. In this course, we look at how this popular movement created an independent political space where alternative institutions, activities, and discourses could develop and flourish. We also review its impact on the trajectory of modern Europe. This course uses the Hybrid format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

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