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Erik Fuhrer

Erik Fuhrer

Instructor Biography:

PhD (creative writing), MFA, memoirist, playwright, and poet. Work includes upcoming hybrid memoir My Buffed Up Life (2024), and poetry collection Gellar Studies (2023). Both recent books have been showcased in a Psychology Today double-feature on narrative trauma. Erik has previously taught creative writing at The University of Notre Dame.

Instructor Statement:

From emails and texts to grocery lists and photo captions, writing is everywhere. I help students refine the skills they've been naturally developing, guiding them through both experimental and traditional examples. The assignments I give are a mix of traditional and unconventional, providing models and enabling students to explore new and innovative approaches to their writing. Even though I provide specific tasks, I keep them open-ended to allow for individual expression. My feedback focuses on nurturing each student's unique voice and helping them grow in their own direction. I stress that our classroom is a shared space and provides students the freedom to discover and develop their own style and voice.

Instructor Schedule
Winter 2025
Spring 2025

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