UCLA Faculty & Staff

Broaden Your Horizons at UCLA Extension
Royce Hall, UCLA

Advance your career at UCLA and continue your education through a course of study at UCLA Extension. Add to your knowledge and skills—and save money, too!

UCLA and ASUCLA career employees who are employed at least 50 percent time, and retired staff members, are entitled to a 25% discount on UCLA Extension instructor-led classes.

Depending upon your payment method (self-pay or department recharge), employment verification and a brief application is required.

Enroll via Self-pay

For staff who are paying 100% of course fees. Once your employment verification has been approved, use discount code "UCLASTAFF" (all caps) at checkout.


Enroll via Department Recharge

For staff whose home department will be paying all or part of the course and other fees. Aside from employment verification, the department recharge order request application also requires you to include the course(s) in which you will enroll. No discount code is needed.

Note: Current employment verification required. Your department may choose to recharge the course fee to a departmental fund if the course is work-related. Select courses may be restricted or ineligible for this discount. Discount code is case sensitive. Discounts cannot be combined.

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Our team members are here to help. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.
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