UCLAxCareerBridge: Partners

Recruitment, Funding, Employment

Partner with UCLAxCareerBridge

We offer partnership opportunities for supporting students under this initiative. To participate, click on the link below to our partner form.


Community-Based Partners

UCLA Extension is committed to serving all communities; funding from this grant supports our mission of creating access to educational opportunities for diverse populations.

To create a truly representative talent pool, we are partnering with community-based organizations for help recruiting and identifying qualified prospective students with demonstrated financial need. Other partnership opportunities include providing facilities for classes to be held within the communities served.

Featured Partners:

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Funding Partners

Student fees do not cover technology, such as computers and internet access. We are seeking partners to support students with these technology expenses, which are critical to student success.

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Employer Partners

Expand your inclusive talent pipeline with our skilled graduates. Participation is free and there are no hiring minimums.

  • Post to our online job board with the ability to target UCLAxCareerBridge students and graduates.
  • Sign up to receive updates about upcoming recruiting opportunities.

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Contact UCLAxCareerBridge

For questions or to learn more about the initiative.

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Corporate Education

Learn how we can help your organization meet its professional development goals and corporate training needs.

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