Science Writing I


Learn what it takes to translate scientific concepts and discoveries into prose that readers can understand and enjoy.


What you can learn.

  • Practice writing science explainers and articles according to standard structures
  • Complete in-class exercises that help you understand the job of the science writer
  • Get insight into various science writing career options
  • Develop 1-3 story ideas and 3 polished writing samples with pitches you can send for publication

About this course:

Science writing tells true stories about scientists and research to a variety of audiences. Learn what it takes to translate scientific concepts and discoveries into prose that readers can understand — and enjoy! You'll practice writing science explainers and news articles according to standard structures and come to understand the job of "science writer" through in-class exercises and discussions, guest speakers, reading, and homework. You'll learn about different career options: freelance or staff, journalism or institutional communications, full time or on the side. By the end of the course, you'll have 1–3 story ideas, 3 polished writing samples, a pitch you can send to a publication, and a plan for your own next steps in science writing. Note: Technical writing, scientific manuscript writing, and science fiction are not part of this course.

Contact Us

Speak to a student advisor. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

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