Creating Powerful Scenes and Sequences
Focus on your script writing at the scene level to enhance conflict, subtext, characterization, dialogue, and imagery and strengthen your project.
What you can learn.
- Analyze successful scenes and sequences to identify effective techniques
- Read and respond to work of other writers in class
- Complete writing exercises that enhance your scene-writing skills
- Identify emotional context, narrative intensity, and pacing and escalation
About this course:
The writing of powerfully constructed scenes featuring compelling characters is the key to any screenplay or dramatic teleplay's success. This intensive workshop gets you writing and rewriting your own scenes, and arms you with a specific skill set that enables you to improve and elevate your work. Drawing on great scenes and sequences from memorable movies and cable shows throughout the course, you learn to identify the essential building blocks for the creation of dynamic scenes; work with conflict, subtext, characterization, dialogue, and imagery, get feedback that will up your game; and make significant headway in creating an eminently marketable screenplay or pilot.
SCRIPT X 410.1 Feature Film I and SCRIPT X 410.2 Feature Film II, or department approval.
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